
Hashmarks are bookmarks for IPFS objects (that can be links to directories, webpages, documents, text files, …). Hashmarks are referenced by their full IPFS path of the object and can contain fragments. These are all valid paths for hashmarks:


You can create hashmarks from many places, like in a browser tab, or from the filemanager.

Pressing Ctrl+b from the browser will hashmark the current page if it’s a valid IPFS object. From the clipboard manager you can create hashmarks as well, by opening the menu of the clipboard item of your choice and clicking on the Hashmark action.

Hashmarks are given a a title, description and icon (that will be stored within IPFS). You can also tag hashmarks and give them an optional category.

Hashmarks collections can be synchronized from external git repositories (the main repository is dwebland), so you need to have git installed on your machine.

RDF hashmarks store


galacteek stores hashmarks as linked data in a dedicated RDF store.

When you search the dweb (with the existing engines, ipfs-search and cyber), every available result will automatically be cached in the RDF store, so that you will be able to easily look them up later without having to query those engines. Using linked data, references between objects are stored as triples and makes it possible for example to trace back which directory, which webpage contains a given image.

You can filter results by MIME category and set a limit on the number of results. The search keywords are applied to the title of the hashmark.

Hashmarks menu


From the toolbar, clicking on the hashmarks icon opens a menu giving access to all your hashmarks, by category.

The Popupar tags shows the most active tags.

Clicking an item will trigger the opening of the corresponding object, depending on its type (the file type of the object is automatically detected and cached by the application). There are built-in viewers/renderers for things like text files, images, multimedia files etc.. For files that cannot be rendered by the application (for example PDF files), the system’s default application will be used to open the file.

On Linux, you can use the xdg-mime command to change which application will be used to open certain types of files, for example this will use mupdf to open PDF files:

xdg-mime default mupdf.desktop application/pdf

Following IPNS keys

There is basic support for following IPNS names/keys. When browsing an IPNS path (e.g /ipns/awesome.ipfs.io), open the IPFS menu on the left, and click on Follow IPNS resource).

The IPNS name or key will be periodically resolved (the resolve frequency is configurable) and you will be notified in the system tray when new content is available.