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IPFS functions


An IPFS operator is an object that can perform functions on the IPFS node we're attached to.

import GForce.ipfs 1.0

IpfsOperator {
  id: ipfsop

With the IpfsOperator, some functions are synchronous but most are asynchronous, and will return right away an operation ID, performing the function in the background. You will be notified when the operation is finished, with the opid and the result.

Store the operation id, and use Connections and the opDone signal to get the results.

Connections {
  target: ipfsop

  function onOpDone(rid, result) {

Adding content

All these functions return an IPFS entry, with Hash and Name inside the object, as returned by the IPFS daemon. It will return an empty object if the operation fails.

Adding a file

Use the add(path, options) asynchronous function. It returns an IPFS entry, with Hash and Name. If you add a directory, it will return the entry of the top directory.

let rid = ipfsop.add(path, {})
Connections {
  target: ipfsop

  function onOpDone(rid, result) {

The following options can be passed:

  • recursive: boolean, defaults to true
  • only_hash: Don't add the content, only compute CID. boolean, defaults to false
  • pin: Pin the content. boolean, defaults to true
  • wrap: Add a directory wrapper. boolean, defaults to false
let rid = ipfsop.add(path, { recursive: true, wrap: true })

Adding a string value

Use the addStr(strValue) asynchronous function.

let rid = ipfsop.addStr('Hello')

You can also do it with the synchronous function and get the result immediately. Realize that the synchronous versions will block the Qt event loop, therefore only use them with small-sized data:

let result = ipfsop.addStrSync('Hello')

Adding bytes

Use the addBytes(bytes) asynchronous function.

let rid = ipfsop.addBytes(bytesArray)

Synchronous version:

let result = ipfsop.addBytesSync(bytesArray)

Getting the content of a UnixFS object

Use the cat asynchronous function. The result in the callback is a JS ArrayBuffer object.

let rid ='/ipns/', {})
let rid ='/ipns/', {
  offset: 256,
  length: 16,
  timeout: 60

Getting the MIME type of an object

let rid = ipfsop.detectMimeType(objPath, options)
let rid = ipfsop.detectMimeType('/ipns/', {timeout: 10})

Pinning an object

let rid =, {timeout: 60})

Pinning an object on a remote service

let rid = ipfsop.pinRemoteAdd(serviceName, objPath, {})
let rid = ipfsop.pinRemoteAdd(serviceName, objPath, {name: 'some-object'})

Unpinning an object from a remote service

let rid = ipfsop.pinRemoteRemove(serviceName, {name: 'some-object'})
let rid = ipfsop.pinRemoteRemove(serviceName,
  {name: 'some-object', status: ['pinned']})
let rid = ipfsop.pinRemoteRemove(serviceName, {cid: 'bafy12oi...'})

Get the list of remote pinning services

This call is synchronous and returns the list of remote pinning services available on this node.

let services = ipfsop.pinRemoteServiceListSync()


Creating a JSON pubsub channel is a simple task.

import GForce 1.0
import GForce.ipfs.pubsub 1.0

JsonPubsubChannel {
  topic: 'galacteek.dapps.helloworld'

  onChannelStart: {
    console.debug('Channel started on: ' + topic)

      'content': 'Hello world'

  onMessage: {
    // The JSON message is available from the 'jsonMsg' variable


The topic string property should point to the IPFS pubsub topic name.

The autoStart boolean property defines if the pubsub channel should listen right away on object creation, it defaults to true.

The onMessage signal is fired every time a message is received. Use the send() function to send a JSON object on the topic.

Curve25519 JSON channel

Using X25519 encryption on a JSON channel is possible:

import GForce 1.0
import GForce.ipfs.pubsub 1.0

JsonPubsubChannel {
  topic: 'galacteek.dapps.curved'
  encryption: 'curve25519'